c++ Programming Glossary: x^2
Fast bignum square computation http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18465326/fast-bignum-square-computation speed up my bignum divisons i need to speed up operation y x^2 for bigints which are represented as dynamic arrays of unsigned.. x x 0 x 1 32 ... x N 32 n The question is How to compute y x^2 as fast as possible without precision loss using C and with.. siz a.siz b.siz 5 1 _normalize performance test for y x^2 looped 1000x times 0.9 x 0.98765588997654321000000009876.....
Loading a dll from a dll? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2674736/loading-a-dll-from-a-dll on like this you say I want to solve an equation like x^2 1 0 in the real domain . Everybody says you that it's not possible..
Derivatives in C/C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/422594/derivatives-in-c-c in C C I have some expressions such as x^2 y^2 that I'd like to use for some math calculations. On of the.. take partial derivatives of the expressions. So if f x y x^2 y^2 then the partial of f with respect to x would be 2x the..
Optimizations for pow() with const non-integer exponent? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6475373/optimizations-for-pow-with-const-non-integer-exponent x^0.4 one mulps . Compute x^ 0.2 one rsqrtps . Compute x^2 one mulps . Compute x^3 one mulps . x^2.4 x^2 x^0.4 one mulps.. rsqrtps . Compute x^2 one mulps . Compute x^3 one mulps . x^2.4 x^2 x^0.4 one mulps . This is the overestimate. x^2.4 x^3.. . Compute x^2 one mulps . Compute x^3 one mulps . x^2.4 x^2 x^0.4 one mulps . This is the overestimate. x^2.4 x^3 x^ 0.4..
How to use boost bisection? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8245909/how-to-use-boost-bisection an example use of bisect . Consider solving the equation x^2 3x 1 0 struct TerminationCondition bool operator double min..